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Dog PawprintDisasterdog.org is designed to be an informal source of information related to the training, certification, maintenance, and deployment of disaster dog teams.

Thanks to the many volunteers who offered their time, services and information, without which this web site would have never come to fruition.  Many thanks to Search and Rescue Dogs of the United States (SARDUS) for their financial contribution. Thanks to those who have contributed information and content for these pages.

**This is an independent site and is not sponsored or supported by the Federal Government.  The information contained herein is not warranted by the FEMA National US&R Response System Canine Sub-Group and they take no responsibility for its content.

About FEMA National US&R Response System

When a disaster event warrants national Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) support, FEMA will deploy task forces. The role of these task forces is to support state and local emergency responders' efforts to locate victims and manage recovery operations.

Canine search teams play a critical role during structural collapse incidents. The canines help search teams to locate victims, using their incredible sense of smell to detect live human scent, even from a victim buried deep in the rubble.

Each canine/handler team must pass rigorous national certification in urban search and rescue. And canine/handler teams must be re-certified every three years in order to participate in search and rescue operations.
FEMA Task Force Map

Clicking on this map takes you to FEMA's website, where you will find a list of all the FEMA Task Force teams' websites. http://www.fema.gov/emergency/usr/locations.shtm

Website by     SkyWide Design